Vocabulary Workshop Review Units 1-3 Answers Level C


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Vocab Level C 1-3

Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop Level C Units i-three Review

Term Definition Synonym(south) Antonym
bonanza something very valuable, profitable, or rewarding; XXXX XXXX
bonanza a very big amount; sudden turn a profit or gain windfall XXXX
churlish lacking politeness, good manners, or sensitivity surly courteous
churlish difficult to work with or deal with; rude ill-tempered civil; well-mannered
citadel fortress that overlooks and protects a city fort, stronghold XXXX
citadel any strong or commanding place bulwark, bastion XXXX
collaborate to work with or piece of work together squad upward work solitary
decree an gild having the force of law proclamation; edict XXXX
decree to command firmly or forcefully proclaim XXXX
discordant disagreeable in sound, jarring grating; shrill in understanding
discordant lacking in harmony divergent; conflicting harmonious
evolve to rise to a higher level unfold; emerge wither; cloudburst
excerpt passage taken from a book portion; extract XXXX
extract to quote XXXX XXXX
grope to feel about hesitantly with the hands fumble for XXXX
grope to search uncertainly bandage nearly for XXXX
hover to float or hang suspended over linger soar
hover to motion back and along uncertainly waver; seesaw XXXX
jostle to compete for push XXXX
jostle to bump or brush against XXXX XXXX
laggard person who moves slowly or falls behind straggler early bird
laggard slow to movement, act, or respond sluggish prompt
plaudits enthusiastic praise or approval applause; cheers disapproval; ridicule
preclude to make impossible prevent; hinder promote; facilitate
revert to return; go back relapse progress
rubble ruins; cleaved stone or bricks wreckage XXXX
servile of or relating to a slave slavish XXXX
servile behaving like a slave or servant submissive overbearing
vigil catamenia of watchful attention XXXX XXXX
wrangle to obtain past argument XXXX XXXX
wrangle quarrel or debate in an angry mode squabble concur; agree
antics unpredictable behavior or actions shenanigans serious stuff!
avowed openly acknowledged sworn undisclosed
banter to commutation playful remarks tease XXXX
banter playful and teasing talk chitchat serious talk
bountiful given abundantly copious scarce
congested filled or occupied to backlog packed; choked uncluttered
detriment a cause of harm, loss, or damage liability advantage
durable not easily worn out or destroyed long-lasting delicate
durable consumer goods used repeatedly over a series of years enduring ephemeral
enterprising willing and able to offset something new energetic, vigorous lazy, indolent
enterprising showing boldness and imagination audacious diffident
frugal scanty; poor meager; skimpy indulgent
frugal avoiding waste and luxury economic; thrifty wasteful; lavish
gingerly with extreme care or caution warily; circumspectly firmly; confidently
glut to feed or fill to the point of overstuffing inundate; overflowing XXXX
overabundance an oversupply plethora paucity
incognito under an assumed name or identity bearded undisguised
invalidate accept away all force or effect cancel; annul confirm; legalize
invalidate to make valueless ignominy credit`
legendary described in well-known stories famous XXXX
legendary existing in old stories rather than in real life mythical; fabled XXXX
maim to disable or disfigure hurt; mutilate XXXX
minimize make smaller than before downplay exaggerate
oblique not straightforward indirect directly
oblique slanting sloping; diagonal XXXX
veer to change direction suddently shift
venerate wait up to with great respect revere detest; deride
wanton reckless; loose in morals rash justified
allot to distribute in portions allocate XXXX
aggregate to bring together collect; assemble squander; waste
amass to come up together get together dissipate
adventurous recklessly daring enterprising; audacious timid
comply to yield to a request or command acquiesce decline; decline
devoid non having or using lacking; bereft abounding; full
elite selection office of a group of people or things upper crust; best of the best dregs
grapple to come to grips with wrestle; tackle XXXX
incapacitate to make legally ineligible XXXXX XXXX
incapacitate deprive of forcefulness or power paralyze; cripple renew; rehabilitate
instigate stir up; incite urge on; start quell
longevity long life or elapsing transience XXXX
myriad very smashing number countless thin
perspective the advent to the eye of various objects viewpoint 30
perturb to make uneasy or disturb greatly agitate delight
prodigious immense; extraordinary in sized tremendous minuscule
relevant related to the thing at hand pertinent extraneous
skittish shy or timid; extremely cautious restive; arbitrary daring; bold
tether to fasten with a rope or chain tie upward untie
unison agreement or accordance concord XXXX
vie compete debate
willful done on purpose deliberate obedient
adage proverb; wise saying maxim, aphorism XXXX
bonanza rich mass of ore in a mine XXXX XXXX


Source: https://www.studystack.com/flashcard-2604444

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